Mapping of mammals of the Czech Republic
In co-operation with RNDr. Miloš Anděra, CSc. (Department of Zoology, National Museum /Natural History/, Praha), a project of mapping of mammal species occuring within the territiory of the Czech Republic is underway on the server BioLib. Generally, a detailed mapping of distribution of living organisms (especially animals and plants) and its changes both in short and long time perspective is one of the most important objectives of the present nature conservation. The possible changes in areals of distribution of species represent an important indicator of population trends (both positive and negative) of this particular species or taxonomic group, and thus, in the same time can indicate changes in nature environment.
Mapping of mammals in the Czech Republic runs intensively approximately since early '90 and all information – various reports of observers, incidental findings, data from literature or results of research projects – are collected to central faunistic database which by the end of year 2005 contained more than 85 000 records. Based on this database, individual volumes of Atlas of distribution of mammals in Czech Republic summarizing the actual results of mapping of mammals in this country, are published subsequently. Consequentially, it is clear that information from some areas is still unsatisfactory hence wide public was addressed through BioLib in order to gather the required data.
Mapped species and their distribution in Czech Republic
Artiodactyla Owen, 1841 - even-toed ungulates
Carnivora - carnivores
Chiroptera - bats
Insectivora - insectivores
Lagomorpha - lagomorphs
Rodentia - rodents
Last change: 18th of June 2008
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